Charlotte Spiritual Center
formerly Unity Spiritual Center of Charlotte
Unity Village is located just outside Kansas City MO. I (Rev Jim) often think of it at the Fillmore's "Walden." It was developed in the 1920's as a place to retreat and study in a "back to nature" farm setting. Over the years it expanded and developed into Unity's national headquarters. Unity Village is the home to Silent Unity, the Unity prayer ministry and to Unity Worldwide Ministries. It offers retreats and workshops and features a lovely modern hotel. It also houses Unity's seminary, library and archives. (Photo above: Gardens and first buildings constructed at Unity Village.)
About Unity...
Unity began in 1889 in Kansas City, Missouri. It was started by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore following Mrs. Fillmore's remarkable healing using positive prayer. Both Charles and Myrtle went on to become accomplished healers and teachers. Unity evolved from small non-denominational prayer circles in their home and the homes of friends. While the Fillmores worked almost exclusively with the Bible in their teachings their approach to the Bible was decidedly Eastern. They were strongly influenced by the Transcendentalists and in particular the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson, a devoted student of the Bhagavad Gita. Since both Christianity and Judaism are middle-eastern teachings approaching them from an Eastern rather than European perspective is probably more natural. Today Unity continues to embrace an inclusive approach to spiritual growth offering teachings, inspiration and prayer support for spiritual seekers of all faiths. Unity focuses on the oneness of all people and places emphasis on our inner similarities rather than our outer differences.
Five Basic Ideas summarize Unity’s core teachings
1. God is spiritual in nature and is Source and Creator of all. God is by nature loving, good and present everywhere. God is the only power. There is no “other power” aside from God.
2. We are spiritual beings, created “in the image and after the likeness” of God. The spirit of God lives within each person; therefore, all people are inherently spiritual and good.
3. Being inherently spiritual in nature we too are creative. Our life experiences are constructed through our patterns of thinking and believing. These are given outer form through our patterns of acting.
4. Through Prayer and Meditation we can reawaken to our natural state of communication (communion) with God. Prayer and meditation are the tools we use to bring our thoughts into greater alignment with "God-thought" and to thereby open ourselves to higher or divine ideas and inspiration. Inspired ideas have the power to heal and transform our minds, our bodies and our lives; returning us to our natural state of wholeness.
5. While knowledge of spiritual principles is helpful it is not enough. We must actively incorporate what we learn into our daily lives.
(by Rev. Connie Fillmore Bazzy, granddaughter of Charles & Myrtle Fillmore and former President of Unity.)
2. We are spiritual beings, created “in the image and after the likeness” of God. The spirit of God lives within each person; therefore, all people are inherently spiritual and good.
3. Being inherently spiritual in nature we too are creative. Our life experiences are constructed through our patterns of thinking and believing. These are given outer form through our patterns of acting.
4. Through Prayer and Meditation we can reawaken to our natural state of communication (communion) with God. Prayer and meditation are the tools we use to bring our thoughts into greater alignment with "God-thought" and to thereby open ourselves to higher or divine ideas and inspiration. Inspired ideas have the power to heal and transform our minds, our bodies and our lives; returning us to our natural state of wholeness.
5. While knowledge of spiritual principles is helpful it is not enough. We must actively incorporate what we learn into our daily lives.
(by Rev. Connie Fillmore Bazzy, granddaughter of Charles & Myrtle Fillmore and former President of Unity.)
Unity and A Course in Miracles
Unity preceded A Course in Miracles by almost 100 years. Both derived their teaching from inner inspiration, not external religious sources. Charles Fillmore spent many hours each day in meditation, taking notes as ideas arose in his mind. Helen Schucman, the scribe for the Course, spent seven years taking dictation from an inner source. Both Unity and the Course ascribe the source of their teachings to Jesus and both view Jesus as loving elder brother and teacher, not a judging God. The two teachings are highly complementary and promote similar means for freeing the mind from mental and religious dogmas. Their common goal is the return to an awareness and experience of our true nature as spiritual beings, as children of the Divine.
Unity's Prayer Line
For personal prayer support at any time call 816-969-2000. From 6AM until 2AM (EST) a Unity prayer associate will answer your call and pray with you for whatever you need. Recorded prayers for peace, healing, comfort and well-being are available during the night. All prayer requests are taken to the Silent Unity Chapel (where prayer is continuous) and held in prayer for 30 days. This free service of the Unity School in Unity Village MO has been in operation for over 100 years.
For more information visit Unity's Main Website at
Charlotte Spiritual Center is a personal outreach by Jim & Kay Fuller and is not affiliated with Unity Worldwide Ministries or any other religious organization.